A study concerning good-neighborly relations and stability in the Danube sector of the Black Sea Basin was carried out in a cross-border project
A study on good neighborly relations and stability in the Danube sector of the Black Sea basin was launched on Friday, November 26, in Reni, Ukraine. The study was carried out in the framework of the cross-border project “Development and promotion of green tourism in the Danube sector of the Black Sea basin”, BSB 817, implemented by the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul”, in partnership with the Cahul District Council (Republic of Moldova), the Executive Committee of the Local Council of the Reni Territorial Community (Ukraine) and the “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (Romania).
The authors of the study are Marius Mitrof, former senior counselor in the County Directorate for Culture Galati, Romania, Aleksandr Prigarin, research professor at “Mecsnyikov” University in Odesa, Ukraine, and Sergiu Cornea, rector of the State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” in Cahul, Republic of Moldova. The coordinator of the study is Mihai Țurcanu from IDIS “Viitorul”.
The study has seven chapters: Geography, Prehistory, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age, Heritage and the anthropic, natural, cultural, and tourist potential of the Reni-Cahul-Galați cross-border region.The study reviews and analyzes the elements of history, culture, and civilization, common to the territorial-administrative units Reni, Galati, and Cahul, elements which have been and are the basis of the good neighborly relations between the cohabiting communities in a region with distinct geographical features which define the unitary character of this area, even though the area can be divided on cultural, political, ethnic, etc. criteria.
Cahul district of the Republic of Moldova, Reni territorial community of Ukraine, and Galati county of Romania are territorial communities of three states, but which by geographical proximity and the evolution of the concept of good neighborliness are found within the Euroregion “Lower Danube”, established in 1998. Residents often live in parallel realities, with different mentalities, marked both by the rupture with the past and by the existing political, legal, social, and cultural realities in the states to which they belong, which requires the need to seek and identify solutions.
The use of events and processes during the historical development is necessary and useful, especially since there is sufficient evidence of good coexistence at the mouth of the Danube and its inclusion in the natural course of the history of Western civilization.
Liubomir Chiriac, project director, executive director of IDIS “Viitorul”, stated: “Conducting this study is a strong point of our project. I was impressed, reading this study, with the moments and aspects that were highlighted and that I did not know about. This is due to the experts who were trained in this process and wrote interesting things. Everyone interested in our region needs to know more about us.”
Nicon Pîslari, the project coordinator from the Cahul District Council, stated: “I really appreciate the work of the experts in writing this study, but also of the others who were trained. I think we needed such a study to show us all the moments we have in common: culture, history, nature, for the success of our project, but also the inhabit our region.”
Liliana Ivanova, the project coordinator from Reni Territorial Community, Ukraine, mentioned: “This study clearly shows that we have a common culture and history, but also other things in common. The details that you have selected to enter in this document are very interesting. We must provide this information to all those interested in knowing the history of this region.”
Alexandr Prigarin, the author of the study from Ukraine, noted: “It was a pleasure and an honor for me to work on this project. I was interested in studying the proposed topic in the archive and I brought to the readers the interesting things that I discovered, together with the other colleagues, authors of this document.”
Sergiu Cornea, the author of the study from the Cahul District Council, stated: “This study is a guide for anyone who wants to know more about our region. During the work process, new topics and topics were discovered that need to be researched, studied and many questions arose that need to be answered.”
Mihai Țurcanu, the coordinator of the study, concluded: “This study is an attempt to highlight the history of cooperation of neighboring and cohabiting communities over a very long period. The lessons and conclusions that are required, through the analysis of these practices, can serve as guidance and as a theoretical basis for identifying further solutions for deepening and expanding this cooperation in the future to promote and ensure the well-being and peaceful coexistence of these riparian communities.”
The cross-border project “Development and promotion of green tourism in the Danube sector of the Black Sea basin (Cahul district, Republic of Moldova; Reni territorial community, Ukraine; and Galati county, Romania)”, BSB 817, is implemented by IDIS “Viitorul”, in partnership with the District Council of Cahul (Moldova), Executive Committee of the Local Council of Reni (Ukraine) and “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați (Romania).
The project is part of the Joint Operational Program “Black Sea Basin 2014-2020” and is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine.
This press release was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the BSB-817 project and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
More photos from the event can be viewed here: