Podcast BSB-817: Natural lakes in the Danube-Galați-Cahul-Reni region
Afanasie Prepelita, tourism marketing expert of the project “Development and promotion of green tourism in the Danube sector of the Black Sea basin”, BSB-817, talks in this podcast about the natural water lakes in the Danube region Galati (Romania) – Cahul (Republic of Moldova) – Reindeer (Ukraine). In the author’s opinion, the lakes are an opportunity for cross-border tourism and green tourism for the population of the region, but also for tourists who come to discover the area. The described lakes, according to the author of the podcast, are key elements of some protected areas in the area, and in other cases even the main reference points. Afanasie Prepelita mentions that the presence of lakes in a certain territory widens the range of touristic, economic activities, water sports, fishing, walks, observation of birds, animals, rare species of plants, nature, etc. In his opinion, where there is water, biological diversity increases substantially, and the animal and plant world, key elements in the development of green tourism, becomes much more varied. Natural water lakes are the eyes of these areas, the eyes that overwhelm, that attract. According to the expert, the lakes in the podcast are presented through the prism of their origin, their importance for the ecosystems of the region, their current state and the role they have and can have for the development of tourism. From a geographical point of view, the author explains, the described natural lakes are located in two areas: Lunca Prutului de Jos, where a series of lakes are found; and the lakes along the Lower Danube, north of the Danube delta. Thus, the lakes in the Danube area are: Lake Brateș, Lake Beleu, Lake Manta, Lake Cahul, Lake Cartal, Lake Ialpug and Lake Cugurlui.