Economy of the Galați-Reni-Cahul Region

The population of the Galați-Reni-Cahul Region is 769 thousand inhabitants, of which 627 thousand live in Galați County, 105 thousand in Cahul district, and the remaining 37 thousand in the Reni territorial community. The largest localities in the cross-border region are the municipality of Galați with a population of 305 thousand inhabitants, or about 50% of the population of the county, the municipality of Cahul with 30 thousand inhabitants or 30% of the population of the district, and the town of Reni with 18.3 thousand inhabitants, or 50% of the population of the territorial unit.

The number of employees in the local economy employed in various companies is 107 thousand people, of which 80% or 85.4 thousand are employed in Galati County. In the Cahul district, the number of employees is 19.7 thousand, and in Reni unit 1.7 thousand people. In addition to employees in enterprises in both Cahul district and Reni region, half of those employed work as business owners, which increases the number of the working population by another 20 thousand people, of which 18.3 thousand are based in Cahul and 1.7 thousand in Reni.

The turnover in the Galati-Cahul-Reni region is about 6 billion EURO per year, of which 90% belongs to Galati county that has a sales volume of 5.6 billion Euro per year, followed by Cahul district with 265 million Euro per year and the Reni unit with 60 million Euros.

The tourist receiving industry in the Galati-Cahul-Reni region consists of 74 accommodation units, of which 24 are hotels and 50 – hostels, tourist villas, or rural guesthouses. Out of the total number of tourist reception units, 60% or 43 are located in Galați County, 23 in Cahul District, and 8 in the Reni territorial community.

Eco-tourism and rural tourism in the region are represented by 28 tourist villas and tourist pensions, of which 14 are located in Galați County, 12 in Cahul district, and 2 in the Reni territorial community.

The total capacity of the tourist reception units in the region is 2,600 accommodation places, of which 80% or 2100 are located in Galati County, another 400 places in Cahul District, and 100 accommodation places in the Reni territorial community.

The agricultural production in the region is grown on an area of 325 thousand ha, of which 265 thousand ha are in the Galati County, 44 thousand ha in Cahul district, and 16 thousand ha in the Reni region. Cahul District is a leader in growing peaches in Moldova with an annual production of 20% of total production in the country.

The volume of annual investments in the region amounts to 260 million EURO, of which 96% or 250 million belong to Galati County. In Cahul district, the annual investments amount to 10 million Euros, and in the Reni territorial community to about 1.5 million Euros.

The total length of public roads in the region is 2050 km, of which in Galați County there are 1600 km of road, in Cahul District – 410 km, and in the Reni territorial community 140 km of roads.

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